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CRUD APIs with stormberry ORM.


What is stormberry

Stormberry is a strongly-typed postgres ORM for dart to provide easy bindings between your dart classes and postgres database. It supports all kinds of relations without any complex configuration.

It allows us to query do CRUD tasks on the postgres without us having to write SQL queries. It's a time saver in many situations and prevents some mistakes we could make as developers when writing SQL queries.

Check it out at

In this guide,let's try implementing a bereal like app where users will upload photos. Users will be able to view all users in our database and see their photos as well. This will show us aspects of CRUD and work with a real database.

To install it, let's create a dart package called server

mkdir be-real-clone
dart create -t console server

It relies on code generation to generate the SQL queries we'll be sending to the database. Let's add stormberry and build_runner dependencies.

cd server/
dart pub add stormberry
dart pub add build_runner --dev

User Model

Let's say we want to model a User in the database. The user will have a unique id, a username, a phone which may be present or not and the creation date. We'll need to create an abstract class with the defined properties. We'll also hash the user's password with a secret key so that during login, we can check the password and return a JWT we can use to authenticate requests.


You can follow along yourself by cloning the repo at this be-real-clone.

git clone
cd be-real-clone
git checkout 7876f99
import 'package:stormberry/stormberry.dart';

part 'models.schema.dart';

tableName: 'accounts',
abstract class User {
// the firebase id
String get id;

String get username;

String? get phone;

DateTime get createdAt;

String get passwordHash;

As you can see, we annotated the class with @Model annotation. This tells stormberry to create a model with the defined properties.

In order to generate the database code, you can start the build_runner. This will generate a user repository which we can use to do various CRUD tasks with ease.

dart run build_runner build

Once build_runner completes building, you'll need to create a postgres database so that stormberry can create the changes in our database.


Once in the postgres shell, let's create a database called bereal.


Once created, you can exit the postgres shell and now try running our migrations.


To run the migrations, we'll call the stormberry dart process and supply it with the various database connection parameters.

dart run stormberry migrate --no-ssl --db bereal --username **** --password ****** --host localhost --port 5432

Once it connects successfully, you should see the following created.

Database: connecting to bereal at localhost...
Database: connected
Getting schema changes of bereal
++ TABLE accounts
Do you want to apply these changes? (yes/no): yes
Database schema changed, applying updates now:
"id" text NOT NULL,"username" text NOT NULL,"phone" text NULL,"created_at" timestamp NOT NULL,"password_hash" text NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE "accounts"

With the migrations out of place, let's now connect to the database on dart and do some CRUD tasks.

CRUD with stormberry

We'll need to store the connection properties in an environment file for security reasons.

We'll use the awesome (dotenv)[] package to load this information from any specified environment file. Let's install it

dart pub add dotenv

Let's create a file called .env with the following contents and add it to .gitignore so that we don't check it into version control.


Now, let's go into the bin/server.dart and read the variables from the environment file. We'll specifically tell

import 'package:dotenv/dotenv.dart';
import 'package:stormberry/stormberry.dart';

void main(List<String> arguments) {
final dotEnv = DotEnv(includePlatformEnvironment: true)..load(['.env']);

final database = Database(
database: dotEnv.getOrElse(
() => throw Exception('POSTGRES_DB not defined'),
host: dotEnv.getOrElse(
() => throw Exception('POSTGRES_DB not defined'),
port: int.parse(dotEnv.getOrElse(
() => throw Exception('POSTGRES_DB not defined'),
useSSL: false,
password: dotEnv.getOrElse(
() => throw Exception('POSTGRES_DB not defined'),

We're basically throwing an Exception if the variable is not defined. With our database in place, let's import the models.dart with the queries in place.

Examples of basic database operations.

Insert a user

await database.users.insertOne(
id: 'id',
username: 'user1',
passwordHash: 'passwordHash',

Query a user

final gotUser = await database.users.queryUser('id');
if (gotUser != null) {
// user found

Update a user

In the update, we use an UserUpdateRequest with the only specific fields we want to update.

await database.users.updateOne(
UserUpdateRequest(id: 'id', phone: '+254345678'),
final updatedUser = await database.users.queryUser('id');

Delete a user

await database.users.deleteOne('id');

You can see how easy stormberry makes life for us. We'd be busy writing SQL queries but now we're focused on implementing the business logic. It also uses views which is a really nice thing.


You can follow along yourself by cloning the repo at this be-real-clone.

git clone
cd be-real-clone
git checkout e7103c8

gRPC User Service

We'll want to create a gRPC user service that will have all CRUD functionality of creating, reading, updating and deleting of users. Let's define a user model message in protos/models.proto.

syntax = "proto3";

package bereal;

import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";

message User {
string id = 1;
string username = 2;
string phone = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 4;

You'll also notice the import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; statement. Google defines a set of protobuf messages that are commonly used. They are known as Well They can be imported and shared across many projects. The full list of google defined types can be found here. Protocol Buffers Well-Known Types

Let's create another file which will contain the user service like. Here I used the extension (vscode-proto3)[] on VsCode to generate this service. I stripped out some parts which weren't in use so now we have the following.

syntax = "proto3";

package bereal;

import "models.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/protobuf/field_mask.proto";

// Generated according to
service UserService {
rpc ListUsers(ListUsersRequest) returns (ListUsersResponse) {}

rpc GetUser(GetUserRequest) returns (User) {}

rpc CreateUser(CreateUserRequest) returns (CreateUserResponse) {}

rpc UpdateUser(UpdateUserRequest) returns (User){}

rpc DeleteUser(DeleteUserRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

/// Login a user with the given username and password.
// Returns an access token and refresh token upon successful login.
rpc Login(LoginRequest) returns (LoginResponse) {}

message ListUsersRequest {
int32 page_size = 1;
string page_token = 2;

message ListUsersResponse {
repeated User users = 1;
string next_page_token = 2;

message GetUserRequest {
string id = 1;

message CreateUserRequest {
User user = 1;
string password = 2;

message CreateUserResponse {
User user = 1;
string jwt = 2;

message UpdateUserRequest {
User user = 1;
// The update mask applies to the resource. For the `FieldMask` definition,
// see
google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 2;

message DeleteUserRequest {
// The resource name of the user to be deleted.
string id = 1;

message LoginRequest {
string username = 1;
string password = 2;

message LoginResponse {
string access_token = 1;
string refresh_token = 2;

You can also see two new imports of

import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/protobuf/field_mask.proto";

These are part of the Protocol Buffers Well-Known Types. The Empty message comes from google/protobuf/empty.proto and is used to signify null.

When we delete a user, we just send back an Empty message to acknowledge that the deletion is done.

The other FieldMask comes from google/protobuf/field_mask.proto. This is used to specify which parameters of a message should be masked/used when doing updates. It contains paths which is a List of strings pointing to which values should be used in the update.

In the UpdateUser method, you'll see we pass an instance of UpdateUserRequest which contains the User we want to update and the FieldMask.

Generate gRPC Stubs

To make it easy to regenerate the protos when we change things, let's create a script called where we'll put instructions to generate the gRPC stubs.

#! /bin/bash
set -euo pipefail

mkdir -p lib/grpc-gen/

# Generate models only
protoc -I protos/ --dart_out=lib/grpc-gen/ protos/models.proto

# Generate Well-Known Types
protoc -I protos/ --dart_out=lib/grpc-gen/ google/protobuf/timestamp.proto google/protobuf/field_mask.proto google/protobuf/empty.proto

# Generate models + grpc stubs
protoc -I protos/ --dart_out=grpc:lib/grpc-gen/ protos/user_service.proto

We can then execute the script with


This will create a directory called lib/grpc-gen then generate the stubs for us.

Once the classes have been generated, you'll notice the compiler wants us to add the protobuf package. Let's add it to our dependencies together with grpc.

dart pub add protobuf grpc

Implementing the User Service

Let's create a folder called services with a file named user_service.dart where we'll implement the UserService logic.

import 'package:server/grpc-gen/models.pb.dart';
import 'package:server/grpc-gen/google/protobuf/empty.pb.dart';
import 'package:server/grpc-gen/user_service.pbgrpc.dart';
import 'package:grpc/grpc.dart';

class UserService extends UserServiceBase {

Future<CreateUserResponse> createUser(ServiceCall call, CreateUserRequest request) {
// TODO: implement createUser
throw UnimplementedError();

Future<LoginResponse> login(ServiceCall call, LoginRequest request) async {
// TODO: implement login
throw UnimplementedError();

Future<Empty> deleteUser(ServiceCall call, DeleteUserRequest request) {
// TODO: implement deleteUser
throw UnimplementedError();

Future<User> getUser(ServiceCall call, GetUserRequest request) {
// TODO: implement getUser
throw UnimplementedError();

Future<ListUsersResponse> listUsers(ServiceCall call, ListUsersRequest request) {
// TODO: implement listUsers
throw UnimplementedError();

Future<User> updateUser(ServiceCall call, UpdateUserRequest request) {
// TODO: implement updateUser
throw UnimplementedError();

This user service will need an instance of the UserRepository generated by stormberry. When we do db.users, stormberry uses an extension method to bind the database class with an instance of the UserRepository.

class UserService extends UserServiceBase {
final UserRepository userRepository;
// other methods here

Once we import the UserRepository, you'll notice that there's a conflict between class names. We'll use import aliases to fix this. We'll alias the classes from package:server/grpc-gen/models.pb.dart with grpc and change update the method signatures to match well as below. The resulting class will be as the following. You'll see that the return value of the updated UserService will have grpc. as a prefix.

// ignore_for_file: public_member_api_docs, sort_constructors_first
import 'package:server/database/models.dart';
import 'package:server/grpc-gen/google/protobuf/empty.pb.dart';
import 'package:server/grpc-gen/models.pb.dart' as grpc;
import 'package:server/grpc-gen/user_service.pbgrpc.dart';
import 'package:grpc/grpc.dart';

class UserService extends UserServiceBase {
final UserRepository userRepository;
required this.userRepository,

Future<CreateUserResponse> createUser(ServiceCall call, CreateUserRequest request) {
// TODO: implement createUser
throw UnimplementedError();

Future<LoginResponse> login(ServiceCall call, LoginRequest request) async {
// TODO: implement login
throw UnimplementedError();

Future<Empty> deleteUser(ServiceCall call, DeleteUserRequest request) {
// TODO: implement deleteUser
throw UnimplementedError();

Future<grpc.User> getUser(ServiceCall call, GetUserRequest request) {
// TODO: implement getUser
throw UnimplementedError();

Future<ListUsersResponse> listUsers(
ServiceCall call, ListUsersRequest request) {
// TODO: implement listUsers
throw UnimplementedError();

Future<grpc.User> updateUser(ServiceCall call, UpdateUserRequest request) {
// TODO: implement updateUser
throw UnimplementedError();

With that out of the way, let's now implement the methods.


We'll need to add the package uuid in order to generate unique user ids. I hope the stormberry package will enable us to specify defaults for us. But because that's not currently possible, let's add the uuid package to our package dependencies.

dart pub add uuid

After adding this, since we'll mostly be converting our user object from the stormberry generated classes in many service implementions, let's create an extension method to convert from a stormberry User class to grpc generated User class.

extension AsGrpcUser on UserView {
grpc.User asGrpcUser() {
return grpc.User(
createdAt: Timestamp.fromDateTime(createdAt),
id: id,
phone: phone,
username: username,

With that, we'll also need to hash the password the user supplied us with. We're going to use the package dbcrypt. The package helps us with hashing passwords and checking if a specific password matches a specific hash using the OpenBSD bcrypt scheme.

We'll also create two helper methods to assist us with password hashing and checking if the password supplied is correct at login time.

Let's add the dbcrypt and jose package to assist with these three tasks.

dart pub add dbcrypt jose
String hashPassword(String password) {
return DBCrypt().hashpw(password, DBCrypt().gensalt());

bool checkPassword(String password, String passwordHash) {
return DBCrypt().checkpw(password, passwordHash);

We're also going to have a method to create and validate JWT tokens. We're going to use the jose package to assist us with this.

String createJwt(
BaseUserView user, {
Duration expiry = const Duration(days: 2),
}) {
final dotEnv = DotEnv(includePlatformEnvironment: true)..load(['.env']);
final secretKey = dotEnv.getOrElse(
() => throw 'SECRET_KEY not defined',
final claims = JsonWebTokenClaims.fromJson({
"exp": expiry.inSeconds,
"iss": "",
final builder = JsonWebSignatureBuilder();
"k": secretKey,
"kty": 'oct',
algorithm: 'HS256',
builder.jsonContent = {
'username': user.username,
final jwt =;
return jwt.toCompactSerialization();

Future<Map<String, dynamic>> decodeJwt(String token) async {
final dotEnv = DotEnv(includePlatformEnvironment: true)..load(['.env']);
final secretKey = dotEnv.getOrElse(
() => throw 'SECRET_KEY not defined',
final unverified = JsonWebToken.unverified(token);
final keyStore = JsonWebKeyStore()
"kty": "oct",
"k": secretKey,
final verified = await unverified.verify(keyStore);
if (verified) {
final claims = Map<String,dynamic>.from(;
claims['user_id'] = claims['id'];
return claims;
} else {
throw Exception('Invalid token');

We're also going to add a new key to the environment variables called SECRET_KEY which will be used to sign the issued JWT tokens.


With that out of the way, we can now create the user. When creating the user, we check if a user with the same name already exists. We later hash the password, save the user and create a JWT token to be used for subsequent requests.


Future<CreateUserResponse> createUser(
ServiceCall call,
CreateUserRequest request,
) async {
final user = request.user;
final username = user.username;
final withSimilarUserName = await userRepository.query(
if (withSimilarUserName != null) {
throw GrpcError.alreadyExists(
'User with username: $username already exists',
final id = Uuid().v4();
// call method to hash password using OpenBSD
final passwordHash = hashPassword(request.password);
await userRepository.insertOne(
id: id,
username: username,
passwordHash: passwordHash,
final gotUser = await userRepository.queryBaseView(id);
return CreateUserResponse(
user: gotUser!.asGrpcUser(),
jwt: createJwt(gotUser),

Here we take the details from the user request and save the user to the database. We then get the user and return the response to the client.


In this method, the user will send the usernane and password as part of the LoginRequest and we'll issue a jwt as part of the LoginResponse. We query the user and get his password hash then compare it with the sent password. If they match, the server returns a jwt.


Future<LoginResponse> login(ServiceCall call, LoginRequest request) async {
final username = request.username;
final password = request.password;
final user = await userRepository.query(UserNameQuery(), username);
if (user == null) {
throw GrpcError.notFound('$username not found');
final passwordsMatch = checkPassword(password, user.passwordHash);
if (passwordsMatch) {
final jwt = createJwt(user);
return LoginResponse(
accessToken: jwt,
throw GrpcError.unauthenticated('Wrong username and password');


This will be really simple. We delete the user and send back an acknowledgment to the user that the user has been deleted.


Future<Empty> deleteUser(
ServiceCall call,
DeleteUserRequest request,
) async {
await userRepository.deleteOne(;
return Empty();


The request will receive a id and get the user with the requested id.


Future<grpc.User> getUser(ServiceCall call, GetUserRequest request) async {
final user = await userRepository.queryUser(;
if (user == null) {
throw GrpcError.notFound();
return user.asGrpcUser();


In this method, the client will send us the previousPageToken(offset) or 0 if not specified. We'll send back 100 users per request together with the nextPageToken. The implementation will be


Future<ListUsersResponse> listUsers(
ServiceCall call,
ListUsersRequest request,
) async {
final offSet = int.tryParse(request.pageToken) ?? 0;
final users = await userRepository.queryUsers(
QueryParams(offset: offSet, limit: 100),
return ListUsersResponse(
nextPageToken: '${offSet + 100}',
users: => e.asGrpcUser()).toList(),


When updating the user, the client will send the User who needs to be updated, together with the fields that he wants updated. In our case, only the username and phone number can be updated. Our implementation will thus look like the following.


Future<grpc.User> updateUser(
ServiceCall call,
UpdateUserRequest request,
) async {
final user = request.user;
final updateMaskPaths = request.updateMask.paths;
String? username;
String? phone;

for (var path in updateMaskPaths) {
if (path == 'username') {
username = user.username;
if (path == 'phone') {
phone =;

final userUpdateRequest = UserUpdateRequest(
phone: phone,
username: username,
await userRepository.updateOne(userUpdateRequest);
final updatedUser = await userRepository.queryUser(;
return updatedUser!.asGrpcUser();

We'll use the UserUpdateRequest from stormberry passing the fields which need to be updated as nullables. If null, stormberry will not update the specified field. We'll then check the UpdateMask paths to see which fields does the client want to update.


You can test the server at this point by cloning the repo and connect to it using kreya desktop client.

git clone
cd be-real-clone
git checkout c4cca3b
dart run bin/server.dart


Right now, this server can be queried by anyone. The only methods that need to be open to the public are the Login and CreateUser method. All other methods should require proper authorization through the use of a token. When someone logs in successfully, the server returns a jwt as part of the LoginResponse object. For authentication, we're going to create an interceptor that will stop all unauthenticated requests. We're going to extract the full name of the method from the request call metadata and extract the methodName.

import 'package:server/auth_utils.dart';
import 'package:grpc/grpc.dart';

Future<GrpcError?> authInterceptor(
ServiceCall call,
ServiceMethod method,
) async {
final openMethods = [
final metadata = call.clientMetadata ?? {};
final methodName = metadata[':path'];
if (openMethods.contains(methodName)) {
return null;
final token = metadata['authorization'];
if (token == null) {
return GrpcError.unauthenticated('Token not found');
try {
final claims = await decodeJwt(token);
.addAll(, value) => MapEntry(key, value.toString())));
return null;
} on InvalidTokenException {
return GrpcError.unauthenticated();
} catch (e) {
return GrpcError.unknown();

In the server, we'll need to specify this as an interceptor when creating the server.

void main() {
final dotEnv = DotEnv(includePlatformEnvironment: true)..load(['.env']);
final database = Database();

final interceptors = <Interceptor>[
final server = Server(
[UserService(userRepository: database.users)],
final ip = InternetAddress.anyIPv4;
final port = int.parse(dotEnv.getOrElse('PORT', () => '8087'));

await server.serve(address: ip, port: port);

print('Server running at $ip on $port');

With this, we can now validate that only logged in users have access to the database.


You can follow along yourself by cloning the repo at this be-real-clone.

git clone
cd be-real-clone
git checkout e335467
dart run bin/server.dart

Photos gRPC Service

In our bereal clone, we want to users to share photos to their profiles. So we'll need to create a service that enables users to upload photos, view photos, favorite photos and more.

We'll of course start with our proto service definition of what a Photo will have

message Photo {
string id = 1;
string url = 2;
string description = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 4;
User creator = 5;
/// we'll send the list of users who've liked the photos
repeated User likers = 6;

We'll then create a CRUD service for Photos.

syntax = "proto3";

package bereal;

import "models.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/protobuf/field_mask.proto";

// Generated according to
service PhotoService {
rpc ListPhotos(ListPhotosRequest) returns (ListPhotosResponse) {}
rpc GetPhoto(GetPhotoRequest) returns (Photo) {}
rpc CreatePhoto(CreatePhotoRequest) returns (Photo) {}
rpc UpdatePhoto(UpdatePhotoRequest) returns (Photo) {}
rpc DeletePhoto(DeletePhotoRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message ListPhotosRequest {
// The parent resource id, for example, "shelves/shelf1"
string parent = 1;

// The maximum number of items to return.
int32 page_size = 2;

// The next_page_token value returned from a previous List request, if any.
string page_token = 3;

message ListPhotosResponse {
// The field id should match the noun "photo" in the method id.
// There will be a maximum number of items returned based on the page_size field in the request.
repeated Photo photos = 1;

// Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list.
string next_page_token = 2;

message GetPhotoRequest {
// The field will contain name of the resource requested.
string id = 1;

message CreatePhotoRequest {
Photo photo = 1;

message UpdatePhotoRequest {
// The photo resource which replaces the resource on the server.
Photo photo = 1;

// The update mask applies to the resource. For the `FieldMask` definition,
// see
google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 2;

message DeletePhotoRequest {
// The resource id of the photo to be deleted.
string id = 1;

We're also going to update the file and add photo_service.proto file to the list of files to be generated.

# Generate grpc stubs
protoc -I protos/ --dart_out=grpc:lib/grpc-gen/ protos/user_service.proto protos/photo_service.proto

With our service code generation done, let's move to stormberry and model the relation between users and photos.

Photo model relationships with stormberry

Since in the database, we're going to have a 1 to many relationship between a user and photos, we're going to modify the account class to include this relationship. We're going to use views in order to reduce the amount of data being retrieved from the database and also not query some things based on what we want.

import 'package:stormberry/stormberry.dart';

part 'models.schema.dart';

tableName: 'accounts',
views: [#Full, #Reduced, #Base],
abstract class User {
// the firebase id
String get id;

String get username;

String? get phone;

DateTime get createdAt;

String get passwordHash;

(#Full, as: #Base)
List<Photo> get photos;

tableName: 'photos',
views: [#Base, #Complete],
abstract class Photo {
String get id;

String get url;

String get description;

DateTime get createdAt;

(#Base, as: #Reduced)
(#Complete, as: #Reduced)
User get creator;

(#Base, as: #Base)
(#Complete, as: #Base)
List<Like> get likes;

views: [#Base],
abstract class Like {
int get id;

DateTime get createdAt;

(#Base, as: #Reduced)
User get user;

In the modified example, we've declared three views on the User model. [#Full, #Reduced, #Base], views. When the code generator completes, we're going to have two views named FullUserView, ReducedUserView and BaseUserView. When stormberry returns the data from the database, it returns all the properties defined on the specified views. In the FullUserView, we want to get the user's properties together with all the photos he owns.

In the ReducedUserView, we only want the [id,username & createdAt] properties. This will be important when referencing the creator who uploaded the photo, the likes of a photo etc. This will mean less data queried from the database which makes our services faster.

In the BaseUserView, we want to have all the user properties without the photos of the user.

In the FullUserView, we want to have all the data together with the user's photos except the passwordHash.

On the Photos side, we have two views [#Base, #Complete], this will generate BasePhotoView and CompletePhotoView. In the BasePhotoView and CompletePhotoView, we're going to have the creator of the property but the model will be viewed as ReducedUserView.

The Like model will generate BaseLikeView only.

If you look at the class, we have some annotations on the User properties and views. These annotations are used to either tell stormberry which fields are required for different Views.

  1. HiddenIn(#ViewName) says that we don't want to have this property in ViewName So for example, phone is hidden in the ReducedUserView. The passwordHash is also hidden in ReducedUserView.
  2. ViewedIn(#ViewName, as #SomeViewName) tells stormberry that in this relationship, we want to view some property as some view. In the case of
(#Full, as: #Base)
List<Photo> get photos;

we're telling stormberry that we want to get the users photos as BasePhotoView when accessing the FullUserView. In the ReducedUserView, the photos property will be hidden and not be queried from the database. If you had a hard time understanding this, you can look at the stormberry docs on


You can checkout the code at this point using the code below.

git clone
cd be-real-clone
git checkout 9be73f8

Make sure that you also run the migrations as specified at Migrations Section

With the new database changes to use views, there will be changes on the UserRepository as the queries will be updated to match the new views. The changes are quite explanatory since without the views, we queried the UserView, but with views, we have queries that query CompleteUserView ,FullUserView and BaseUserView


Checkout code using the new views using the commit below.

git clone
cd be-real-clone
git checkout 064f9bb

gRPC Photo Service

Let's create a class called PhotoService which will implement the PhotoServiceBase generated by protoc.

import 'package:server/grpc-gen/google/protobuf/empty.pb.dart';
import 'package:grpc/grpc.dart';
import 'package:server/grpc-gen/photo_service.pbgrpc.dart';
import 'package:server/grpc-gen/models.pb.dart' as grpc;

class PhotoService extends PhotoServiceBase {

Future<grpc.Photo> createPhoto(
ServiceCall call,
CreatePhotoRequest request,
) async {
// TODO: implement createPhoto
throw UnimplementedError();

Future<Empty> deletePhoto(
ServiceCall call,
DeletePhotoRequest request,
) async {
// TODO: implement deletePhoto
throw UnimplementedError();

Future<grpc.Photo> getPhoto(
ServiceCall call,
GetPhotoRequest request,
) async {
// TODO: implement getPhoto
throw UnimplementedError();

Future<ListPhotosResponse> listPhotos(
ServiceCall call,
ListPhotosRequest request,
) async {
// TODO: implement listPhotos
throw UnimplementedError();

Future<grpc.Photo> updatePhoto(
ServiceCall call,
UpdatePhotoRequest request,
) async {
// TODO: implement updatePhoto
throw UnimplementedError();

We'll mainly be quering the BasePhotoView and CompletePhotoView. Let's create extension methods that will convert the views into the gRPC generated Photo class.

extension AsBaseGrpcPhoto on BasePhotoView {
grpc.Photo asGrpcPhoto() {
return grpc.Photo(
id: id,
createdAt: Timestamp.fromDateTime(createdAt),
creator: creator.asGrpcUser(),
description: description,
url: url,
likers: => e.user.asGrpcUser()).toList(),

extension AsCompleteGrpcPhoto on CompletePhotoView {
grpc.Photo asGrpcPhoto() {
return grpc.Photo(
id: id,
createdAt: Timestamp.fromDateTime(createdAt),
creator: creator.asGrpcUser(),
description: description,
url: url,
likers: => e.user.asGrpcUser()).toList(),

CreatePhoto method

When creating a photo, the user who's calling the API will need to be identified. The good thing is this was handled by the auth_interceptor which validates tokens and adds the user_id field into the call metadata if the token supplied was valid otherwise the call get's terminated.

With that in mind, the implementation as follows: Keep in mind that the asGrpcPhoto method comes from the extension methods defined above.

Future<grpc.Photo> createPhoto(
ServiceCall call,
CreatePhotoRequest request,
) async {
final userId = call.clientMetadata!['user_id'];
if (userId == null) {
throw GrpcError.internal('Request passed auth_interceptor without the user_id');
final photo =;
final id = Uuid().v4();
await photoRepository.insertOne(
id: id,
url: photo.url,
description: photo.description,
createdAt: photo.createdAt.toDateTime(),
creatorId: userId,
final got = await photoRepository.queryBaseView(id);
return got!.asGrpcPhoto();

DeletePhoto method

This call will be a simple delete in the database.

Future<Empty> deletePhoto(
ServiceCall call,
DeletePhotoRequest request,
) async {
await photoRepository.deleteOne(;
return Empty();

GetPhoto method

This call receives a GetPhotoRequest and returns a Photo if found.

Future<grpc.Photo> getPhoto(
ServiceCall call,
GetPhotoRequest request,
) async {
final completePhoto = await photoRepository.queryBaseView(;
if (completePhoto == null) {
throw GrpcError.notFound();
return completePhoto.asGrpcPhoto();


This call receives a ListPhotosRequest with previousPageToken and expects back a ListPhotosResponse with the list of photos. We call the queryBaseViews method and return 100 photos

Future<ListPhotosResponse> listPhotos(
ServiceCall call,
ListPhotosRequest request,
) async {
final offSet = int.tryParse(request.pageToken) ?? 0;
final photos = await photoRepository.queryBaseViews(
QueryParams(offset: offSet, limit: 100),
return ListPhotosResponse(
nextPageToken: (offSet + photos.length).toString(),
photos: => e.asGrpcPhoto()).toList(),


This call receives a UpdatePhotoRequest with the photo and fields to be updated which are included in the UpdateMask. In our case though, the only field we'll let the user update is the description of the photo. Once updated, we query the database by the photo id and return it to the client.

Future<grpc.Photo> updatePhoto(
ServiceCall call,
UpdatePhotoRequest request,
) async {
final updateMaskPaths = request.updateMask.paths;
final photo =;
// we can only update the description
String? description;
for (var path in updateMaskPaths) {
if (path == 'description') {
description = photo.description;
final updatePhotoRequest = PhotoUpdateRequest(
description: description,
await photoRepository.updateOne(updatePhotoRequest);
final got = await photoRepository.queryBaseView(;
return got!.asGrpcPhoto();

If you want to test the service, use kreya for this.

Likes Service

To handle the likes, we'll need a service that will Create, Delete and List likes. Unliking a photo will be handled by DeleteLike method. Liking a photo will be handled by CreateLike photo. Listing a photo's likes will be handled by ListLikes method.

Proto Service Definition

syntax = "proto3";

package bereal;

import "models.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";

service LikeService {
rpc CreateLike (CreateLikeRequest) returns (CreateLikeResponse);
rpc DeleteLike (DeleteLikeRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
rpc ListLikes (ListLikesRequest) returns (ListLikesResponse);

message CreateLikeRequest {
string photo_id = 1;

message CreateLikeResponse {
Like like = 2;

message DeleteLikeRequest {
string id = 1;

message ListLikesRequest {
string photo_id = 1;

message ListLikesResponse {
repeated Like likes = 2;